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Zillabeau Blog: What Are Dry Manicures?

Your Guide To Dry Manicures

Dry manicures, also called “Russian manicures,” are manicures that range from polish removal to cuticle care without any water or liquids during the process. 

Instead of using water or soaking, nail technicians will instead use an e-file or manual files to wipe away the polish. Nippers can be used to cut away any dead skins. Without using liquid solutions like acetone, natural oils within the nail bed can be kept after the treatment as well. 

Essentials To Dry Care 

Dry nail care is sometimes preferred due to how it can prevent lifting, which leads to the polish being unable to stay on or long periods of time, or for the design to sustain longevity. 

Wet care, where a manicure soaks the cuticle and the proximal nail fold, also has its benefits. Wet manicures have been used for decades as a safe and hygienic means for cuticle removal and nail prep. 

Sometimes a dry manicure may not necessarily just use files and pushers, a nail technician may also use a combination of oils and cream lotions to help with the cleaning process, or utilize certain heat techniques.

Which Tools Are Used For Dry Manicures?

Tools that are staples for dry manicures are:

  • E-file
  • Files
  • Nippers
  • Paper towels
  • Cuticle oils (optional)

  • E-files are usually used for dry manicures, and it’s usually recommended that you use the e-file very sparingly during the process, ideally with the cheek of the drill bit, not the pointed tip or end. One drill-bit that’s a favorite among seasoned and experienced nail artists is the diamond-flame drill bit.

    A nail technician or artist can also use a traditional file instead of an e-file. It’s usually recommended that you do not use anything harsher than 180 grit for prep, due to how it might injure or cause skin wounds on the nail. 

    Dry Manicures And Your Health

    Dry manicures can be safe and hygienic as long as the prep work is done carefully and smoothly, especially when the nail technician uses files very carefully.

    Sometimes only one or two movements is enough to strip the pre-existing polish away before the drill starts to take away important thickness in the nail plate.

    What We Offer

    At Zillabeau, we offer a range of tools, kits, and collections that provide cuticle removal for both wet and dry manicure treatments. Our toxic-free products are the leading brands in Korea and Japan, with positive reviews from nail artists around the globe.

    The brands and tools we offer range from a variety of options. We offer our brand-name Zillabeau cordless nail drill, (also available in 30 rpm) as well as SHiNY’s e-file. Our kits also contain a variety of drill bit selections, including diamond-flame and ball nail drill bits. 

    We also offer nail files with a considerable range of grits from a selection of brands like Leafgel and Candy+. Zillabeau also offers cuticle oils and your nail prep essentials as well. 

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